fourier: float rawdata overflow problem fixed The program, fourier, used by the csurf FOURIER button, was originally designed to read short (2-byte) data (used by the csurf FOURIER button). In Apr 2014, fourier was extended to be able to read FLOAT BRIK's, but it was still reading them into a short buffer. This could result in overflows with FLOAT BRIK's containing large (>32768) raw data values. This has been fixed in the zipped fourier binaries included in this directory. After unzipping the appropriate fourier (mac or linux64), move it to the appropriate locations: $CSURF_DIR/bin/Darwin-x86_64 $CSURF_DIR/bin/Linux-x86_64 moving aside or replacing the older version of fourier. After installing, the help message resulting from typing 'fourier', should end in: version: 08n